2 Kings 22 - définition. Qu'est-ce que 2 Kings 22
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est 2 Kings 22 - définition

2 Kings 22         
2 Kings 22:3; 2 Kings 22:12
2 Kings 22 is the twenty-second chapter of the second part of the Books of Kings in the Hebrew Bible or the Second Book of Kings in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. The book is a compilation of various annals recording the acts of the kings of Israel and Judah by a Deuteronomic compiler in the seventh century BCE, with a supplement added in the sixth century BCE.
2 Chronicles 22         
2 Chronicles 22:10; 2 Chronicles 22:11
2 Chronicles 22 is the twenty-second chapter of the Second Book of Chronicles the Old Testament in the Christian Bible or of the second part of the Books of Chronicles in the Hebrew Bible. The book is compiled from older sources by an unknown person or group, designated by modern scholars as "the Chronicler", and had the final shape established in late fifth or fourth century BCE.
Crusader Kings II         
Crusader Kings 2; Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne; Crusader Kings II: Conclave; Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords; Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon; Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome; Crusader Kings II: Monks and Mystics; Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods; Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India; Crusader Kings II: The Reaper's Due; Crusader Kings II: The Republic; Crusader Kings II: Way of Life; CKII
Crusader Kings II is a grand strategy video game developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. Set in the Middle Ages, the game was released on February 14, 2012, as a sequel to 2004's Crusader Kings.